Contact Us

To contact any Grape from THE GRAPE VYNE please do so using the information sheet below.

We welcome your opinions, suggestions, complaints and juicy stories for evaluative and constructive use by the blog. We also provide advertising services where fees and terms for agreement are negotiated privately once you successfully submit a contact sheet.

Once an executive Grape had received your information sheet, we will follow up with a response noting that we have received your material and in what ways we wish to use it. If you experience problems contacting us in this way or need to add attachments to your information, please resort to the alternative by emailing us at .

Please be aware that ANY information given to us MAY be used to enhance our site or as material for blog articles. We assume that once information is submitted, you are extending to the blog site the privilege and right to use information (which may mean publishing in some instances). For your convenience, there is the option of sharing information anonymously. Please do so by typing in the name “Anonymous Source” and emailing address “” if you sincerely do not want your identity shared or hinted. However, be aware that we may not be able to respond to your submissions.

DISCLAIMER: This is exclusively a blog site. All posts will, to some extent, express opinions and thoughts of the submitting writers. Little emphasis would be placed on whether the content of the literature is factual or fictional, but we do welcome corrective information that can possibly create opportunity for a follow-up article. Articles may evoke biases – this is well within the rights of a blogger. We do not follow sincerely the code of conduct for news reporting journalists.  
–The Grape Vyne

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